Norskopplæringen – onsdager

Join our free Norwegian language training! Speaking the local language is essential for understanding society and culture while expanding your professional opportunities. In collaboration with the Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi), Akademiet Videreutdanning provides complimentary language training.    

The Norwegian language courses are intended to help immigrants and refugees integrate into Norwegian society and working life, regardless of their educational or cultural background.    

We advise registering for the course with a minimum A2 proficiency level in both oral and written communication.





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The Norwegian course is for adult immigrants with limited proficiency in the Norwegian language, regardless of their duration of stay in Norway or reason for immigration. The course's tutoring will be tailored to the participants' language skills and level.

Individuals who require further Norwegian language knowledge beyond their free training under the Introduction Act or the Integration Act or are ineligible for municipal Norwegian training may apply for this course.

We highly recommend that participants commencing this course possess a minimum of A2 proficiency level in both oral and written communication. The course is suitable for individuals who are ineligible for free Norwegian language education provided by their municipality or have already completed Norwegian language education through their municipality but require further education.

The offer will be tailored to the participants' skills and language proficiency level. The curriculum for Norwegian and social studies for adult immigrants, level A2-B2, will serve as the basis for instruction. The primary objective is to develop the participants' language competence to a B1 level or higher.

The course will feature exercises to help participants learn how to:

  • understand the main points in clear, standard texts and converse about familiar topics encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

  • write simple, coherent texts on topics of personal interest or familiarity

  • describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes, and plans

  • discuss familiar topics and defend their opinions

  • express themselves clearly in unfamiliar or difficult situations

The main objective for participants should be to attain a language proficiency level of B1/B2 or higher, which would enable them to pursue formal education if they choose to. At the B1 level, participants can comprehend straightforward and uncomplicated language and articulate their thoughts coherently on subjects related to their personal and professional lives, as well as commonly known social and individual themes.

Moreover, this course will equip you with insights that will empower you to overcome personal and practical challenges in Norway effectively, improving your quality of life.

The course consists of group work, listening exercises, role play, oral exercises and conversations, presentations and homework.

The teaching is carried out in a virtual classroom with a teacher present. You will follow the course from your own computer, in your own home. You will get access to the classroom well in advance of the course.

There is no exam on this course. A course diploma will be issued based on minimum 75 % attendance. 

You can still take the test, if you wish.  

The course is free and funded by the government through the Norwegian language training program.  

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